Politics, piggles and a busy week

First week back after holiday is always a funny one. Add to that the fact we are a week on from Brexit and all the associated ups and downs and I struggled a bit to find blog focus!

We have watched Politics essentially go mad with two leadership races, and then there was more Brexit with Farage’s arrogant comments in the European Parliament. He’s done himself out of a job so be interesting to see where he goes from here. Whilst I’m still not ‘over’ Brexit I am pleased to see politics high on the agenda again, and to see some strong women being pushed into prominence. Whilst I have sons I want them to grow up in a world where women are equal and visible in all of society including leadership of this country. I think my niece thinks she is already in charge so it would be good for her to grow up with some strong female role models leading the way.

Our ‘great’ footballers were shown a thing or two by a country that had clear passion and determination, well done Iceland. Makes you question some of the obscene pay checks some of our guys pick up week in week out when they are beaten by a team with part time players and no professional league.

And we saw Coldplay essentially calm the mood of the nation with a stunning performance at Glastonbury full of dedications, random but magic moments (never dreamt they would sing with a Bee Gee) and bringing the family on for a sing song. This was a fab end to my weekend, each and every song is full of memories. We went to watch them one cold June evening four years ago and it was hands down the best concert I have ever been to. I was extremely early days pregnant (I didn’t even know) and it was one of our last true carefree, young, everything ahead of you moments before we got down to the serious business of being parentals. Their songs followed me through my teenage years and into adulthood and for me Sunday’s set was sensational. I was a little bit sad not to be there until I contemplated glasto mud and toilets.

So what happened in our world during this momentous week? Firstly little piggle has now got two teeth and towards the end of the week we started our weaning journey. The high chair has been bought in from the shed and given a good clean, I have dug out spoons, bowls and pots and googled weaning a number of times to try and remember what on earth you do when. Three days in he is definitely a member of our family, he got the hang of it straight away and opens his mouth ready for the food shouting if I’m too slow. We are working in teaspoon sized portions currently but I will be trying to get through different flavours. Apple, banana, carrot, avocado and sweet potato have all been sampled with success. Big piggle thinks it is amazing.

Their brother bond this week is super strong. I love how they sit holding hands on the bed in the morning, how big piggle has chats with little piggle and checks he’s ok. How little piggle hangs on every word and movement big piggle says and does. Their sibling connection is very cool. I am also finding myself bossed around by the big one ‘perhaps he wants a cuddle mummy’, ‘I think you should pick him up mummy’, ‘mummy I think he’s hungry’. Never a moments rest but borne out of a complete brotherly obsession. I hope they will be best friends for life.

Big piggle went back to nursery this week after a weeks break and I’m not sure he was too impressed, he’s been very tired following a busy week and on Friday actually sat/lay still watching some TV – usually he’s all over the place after five minutes. He demanded the paddling pool out even though it’s not even warm and he suggested a walk up at the local national trust site but with the proviso he had a calippo ice cream. It was quite a busy Friday but fabulous and another reminder why this time off work is so precious.

I’m personally exhausted this week, I don’t know why but perhaps the lack of sun has had an effect and it’s been busy. I had a couple of KIT day with work, possibly more a break than tiring but saying that being in the company of adults after being with the little ones was quite random and probably did tire me out! I also had my first filling at the grand old age of 31, two in one go. It was fine and at one point lying back in the dentist chair alone with no children it almost, almost I must stress, felt like a break. But then the vibrating in what felt like my brain started up again.

My mum moved out of our family home on Wednesday, it was mine and my siblings first home with just her and it was our little sanctuary the four of us. The time is right and she has moved to a lovely house in a brilliant location but my goodness she has a lot of stuff!! Her hoarding skills have been working well, I love to sort and chuck stuff out but her not so much. The children already love it round there and love hiding behind a tree in the garden. Big piggle and the cousin had lots of fun with a ball and a stick, random what they come up with in new situations. They have picked their bedroom and are well and truly settled. Mum will be settled soon too im sure!

Finally I have watched more Lego Ninjago than I ever wish to, in three weeks we shall be visiting THE Legoland in Denmark and with the current Lego obsession going on in our house I am so excited! He’s going to be in heaven.

And so we go onto the next week….I am catching up with two great friends who have each been absent with their own adventures for a while, I am soooooo excited!! When you start to write things down and recount what you have been up to, and what there is to look forward to, its a great reminder to smile and be happy! 😊



Rhyming with Wine
Marvellous Mondays badge by Hello Archie
Cuddle Fairy
3 Little Buttons

12 thoughts on “Politics, piggles and a busy week

  1. bridiebythesea says:

    Aw what a massive milestone to be eating for the first time, yay! And amazing to have 2 teeth too…I love the brotherly bond they have, there is nothing like seeing siblings together. Sounds like a very hectic but lovely week – hope this week is a bit more chilled! x #marvmondays


  2. thealohamummy says:

    The bond they have is incredible isn’t it? My Twins adore their new Bubs and like your Big Piggies, are so in the ball with her needs!! It’s a beautiful thing to see and be part of…they even secretly like the return of cbeebies in our house!!
    Thanks for your lovely post! #marvmondays


  3. Rhyming with Wine says:

    Sounds like a busy and exciting week with weaning and everything else thrown into the mix! It’s so lovely to see your little ones develop a bond isn’t it? We’re so lucky as ours seem to be really close (when they aren’t fighting over the same toy at least anyway haha). I had to laugh at your dentist appointment though – I remember having a root canal about 4 months after my first was born and I honestly nearly fell asleep! It was like a spa treatment! 😉 Thanks for linking up with us at #fartglitter x


    • twolittlepiggles says:

      I have heard a few stories this week about siblings who haven’t taken well to the newborn so I have been feeling lucky. The dentist was funny I definitely zoned out for a while and enjoyed the middle of the day sit down! Thanks for reading x

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Louise says:

    Wow how exciting that you are going to THE Legoland in Denmark – we love the one in Windsor but I would love to visit the original one – hope you have a wonderful time. Love that your two little piggles sit on the bed together and hold hands, that sounds so adorable. Politics has certainly been very much at forefront of a lot of people’s minds since Brexit – one of the plus points is that it has got more people engaging in politics at least. #BloggerClubUK

    Liked by 1 person

  5. mummuddlingthrough says:

    So many bits of this post I could converse with you on! I love how you start off looking ‘out there’ and then end up focusing on what’s going on closer to home. The way you describe your journey as a Coldplay fan is something I can really relate to. Pre-kids I was always at some music gig, almost every weekend at one point. Certain bands still take me back to that feeling of freedom with the opening bar of their tracks… It’s a lovely feeling being able to remember a time in your life history with music.
    Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub…keep up the good work with the weaning! x


  6. Annette says:

    What a busy week you have had. I loved the weaning stage, your post brought back so many memories. It is marvelous when they get the hang of things so quickly. Here’s to a more relaxing week this week 🙂 Thank you for linking up to the #DreamTeam


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