About Two Little Piggles

Mummy of two chunky monkeys, G the cheeky toddler and H the chilled little bean (for now) – *update G the nearly five year old and H approaching the terrible twos!! Now back at work part time juggling Mum life and work life! (Taking a break from work on my second maternity leave and really enjoying the fact my coffee is always cold and I cannot go to the toilet in peace (I now remember the joy on the first day I returned to work last time!).)

Lover of a big glass of red wine and a whole host of unhealthy foods *update follow my new quest to a healthier me!, as well as always enjoying a good holiday! Wife to a golf loving football fan (although all sport is apparently highly important when England is playing!?)

Fancied a project and thought some of the things me and my little piggles** get up to should be remembered so decided to try my hand at blogging.

Find out more about us by checking out the ‘Who we are, where we come from page’.

**Piggle – pet name for a small boy who brings happiness and giggles to my life and makes my heart melt 💙

If you like what you read follow us on social media:

Instagram – @twolittlepiggles

Twitter – @2littlepiggles

Facebook – ‘two little piggles’ page




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